I am not a great writter. I come up with great things to say in my head but cant ever get them on paper as well as I thought them up. I was searching for my great grandparents on google yesterday and came across a site that my grandpas sisters daughter put together. I was so glad I came across this. It has excerpts from my great grandmothers journel. What an awesome lady. She had a lot of inspiring things in her journal. And my great grandfathers was great to read also. Times were a lot different back then. I wish I wouldve known my great grandparents better but I was just little when they passed away. Anyways - the website is
http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/6907/moth.htm for those of you who visit my site and are family.... and here are two things from my great grandmothers journel that I loved:
With my uncle Scotty not doing well I think this excerpt really hit home esp. knowing that it was written by my Great Grandmother
"We sometimes do not understand death. Who but God knows when to call us home. Our birth is but a sleep and forgetting. The soul that rises with us, our life's star, Hath had elsewhere it's setting and cometh from afar, not in entire forgetfullness, and not in utter nakedness. Heaven lies about in our infancy. Death is an awakening and we should not look on death as sad. Death is like a ship on the sea, we watch as she sails out to sea, and we watch until she is out of sight, then someone at my side says, "There she goes." Gone where, gone from our sight, that is all. And just at the moment when someone said, "There she goes," there are others watching her coming, and other voices take up the glad shout, "There she's coming." and such is dying."
And being a mother - This excerpt brought me to tears.
"I wonder sometimes if I did all I could to set the proper example for my children. I have always wanted the best for all of my children. A mother cares about everything, gardens, pets, the hungry people, most of all, Father and her children. She will do everything necessary for their happiness. Mother's are not always angels, she will often disagree with you, expect too much of you, criticize your choice of friends, bring up the subject of work when you feel the least energetic. But she is always willing to help when you need her.
I wonder, does Heaven give Mother's a seperate place, with clothing to mend, and tears on a very small face. And do you suppose there are kitchens with boys seeking something to eat, and pies, cakes, jellies and heavenly smiles, sought out by small pattering feet. There must be, for how else would Mother find joy that is promised above. When all their days are spent finding ways of serving the children they love. I hope that my Heavenly Mother will say that I have been a good mother to the spirits that were entrusted to my care."
Im proud to be brought up in a family that is so close together and has faith and pride in all they do. It makes me think how much I need to start setting a better example for Brody. Life doesnt always work out the way we have planned but then again, God would laugh at us if we told him we even had a plan right?
Anyways - I am going to start working on my family and myself.
Ok, thanks for listening to my ramblings :)