My new favorite place to take pictures!! This place is so pretty. I took Cheyann and Brody there this past weekend to walk around and we got a couple snap shots...
Brody just doesnt like soccer. He gets nervous knowing everyone is watching him and he doesnt like all the kids rushing the ball and knocking each other over. He hates going to soccer practice and games. So, Saturday I let him choose what he wanted to do, stay home or go to the game. He chose to stay home. So, I let him. He had another game yesterday but chose to stay home. So, I decided not to force him into playing soccer. Well wait and see if he likes it when he is older. I do have pictures from his first game. He was so cute! He kicked the ball in a lot when it went out of bounds by the other team and he thought that was fun.
Brody started peewee soccer and today was his first practice. They had no idea what they were doing and it was so cute! Brody loved running and showing off. I think he cares more about being silly and making the kids laugh than he does playing soccer but hopefully that changes.
Anyways - today they gave their team a name, The Blue Thunders So cute! We have our first game on Saturday. Im just so excited to have him in soccer because the kid has so much energy and this will give him something to do with it!!
We had so much fun this past weekend. We went with Lorie and Cody to Cherry Creek. We rode around on the quads and Brody played with Angelle in the dirt. It was so much fun!!
We didnt do much this weekend. We hung out at home and got lots of housework/yardwork done. It was much needed relaxing time and we enjoyed it. Today we went to grandma and grandpas house and visited with them. Grandma was canning peaches so Brody helped her pick some from the tree. He loves peaches!
Grandpas yard is so pretty... His flowers are always so colorful and they smell so good. Brody told Grandpa he thought his flowers spelt good.