Weve been pretty busy the last couple of days getting things ready and I havent really had time to play with my camera at all. I was cleaning up my office and Brody came in with his new "boomer" creation. Brody has this thing of going through the house and "booming" bad guys. He does it all the time and no matter how many times I tell him we dont "boom" people, its still his thing. So, I was playing with my camera and he wanted me to take his picture with his boomer...
Sorry if the pictures look a little off on color, I am using my laptop to edit them which Ive never done before!! Anyways, next post Ill be in Utah taking tons of pictures!! Im pretty excited. I get to meet up with a photographer in Utah, Alicia Jane. She has some awesome pictures so Im excited to meet her. So, as soon as I get settled in when we get to Utah - Ill try to post some pics from our Road Trip :)
Talk to you later - Amie
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