I had the first part of this post ready to put on my blog but then we had to leave for Utah so here it is...
Our friends Haley and Jer had a house warming party. It was a lot of fun and their new house is really nice. Brody has a blast hanging out with everyone. Him and Cody were dancing and being so cute! Sydney was the photographer. I gave her my camera (I never give anyone my camera!! But she did good…) and she took so many pictures of everyone. We went swimming and had a lot of fun.
Would it be a party without Keith showing his butt?? I think NOT
Cody doing the robot...
I have a lot more pictures... Ill email everyone what I have later :)
On Saturday August 30th my Uncle Scotty passed away. We all knew it was going to happen but we could never imagine the emotions everyone went through. Scotty was such a great person. He was never angry or upset, he was always happy. He was born handicapped and had kidney problems. He wasn’t suppose to live past 6 weeks and he past away at the age of 46! Can you believe that! What a miracle he was. He brought so much joy to everyone. I am so glad I went up there when I did and I was able to spend some time with him before he past away. Brody, Shane and I drove up there for the funeral and spent some time afterwards with everyone.
My grandparents are great people. They took care of Scotty every single day since he was born and never complained or wished anything different. I hope that they get through this hard time and adjust to the changes in the house now that he is gone. Im glad we have such a strong family that can help them during this time and make it a little easier for them.
Scotty giving Brody kisses...
My cousin Brittany made this star and it turned out so good...
This is one of the kids that Scotty went to school with
We let go red and blue balloons (Scottys favorite colors)
It was a beautiful service. Grandma and Grandpa couldnt of asked for a better one and Scotty deserved it.
Here is Steve and Shelly and their family
After the service we went back to the church for dinner and here are just a few pictures I got:
My brother and his family:
Cody and Kayla
On our way home from Utah we stopped in Vegas to show Brody Circus Circus. He had a blast. We saw a couple shows at Circus Circus and they were pretty neat. Brody played some games and won some prizes and we had fun! Here are some pictures of Brody before we went to Utah and some of him at circus circus.
Brody playing on the trampoline before we left:
Shane roping Cheyann
Grandma roping Brody
Cindy and Brody looking at the horses
Bridal Veil Falls in Provo
On our way home there were two beautiful rainbows next to us and it was the first time I saw the end of a rainbow... and just my luck, no pot of gold!
Brody and Cheyann
Circus Circus pictures:
Now were at home and just getting things cleaned up. Lots of laundry and cleaning to do. Brody hates the weather here. Its to hot for him to go outside but it should start cooling down soon… I hope :)
I am making CD's of all the pictures from Scottys service for everyone in Utah so Ill be getting those to you soon.
Anyways, that’s all for now.
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