So for this week we are going to work on the following things:
Show Respect
Dont Use Bad Language (yes Brody has started to say some bad words)
Stop Whining
Keep Hands to Yourself
Take a Bath (He loves to take a bath but were going to work on getting out when its time and not splashing water every where and throwing a fit)
Get Ready for Bed
Brush Teeth
Every week we have different options that we can change so he can work on other things also
And if this is a sign of how he feels about this responsibility chart... Im in trouble
Anyways, I hope it works.
I told Brody to act like his dad and these are the different shots I got:
Brody was sitting at the table telling Kayla about his drawing. It was so cute. He drew Daddy, Mommy, Brody and Cheyann and he told Kayla we all had sad faces because Brody misses Daddy and Daddy misses Brody and Mommy has a sad face because she misses Daddy but Annie has a happy face because she has her Brody... He loves to tell stories. He says, my Daddy loves me but hes in Arizona and hes going to come get me in a little bit...
Im glad that he knows his Daddy loves him...
Tomorrow at work It will be my first day without Dana there training me AND my boss is flying to Vegas for a glass convention so Im solo tomorrow until Wednesday!! Im nervous but at least I can get some things cleaned up and ready.
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