Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tell me your story and read about mine!

Hi, my name is:

Never in my life have I been to:
Hawaii - I would love to but I am so scared of flying. I would have to be on a cruise.

I hate it when:
I dissapoint myself.

If your gonna talk smack about me:
Make sure its true and preferrably do it to my face.

The one person who can drive me nuts is:
Brody. Love him to death but he really knows how to push my buttons, esp. when I have had a bad day :) LOL

When I'm nervous:
I pace and bite my nails (bad habbit).

The last song I listened to was:
Got a little crazy last night... on my blog

If you were to get married today Your maid of honor/best man would be:
My Sister

My hair is:
Needing a wash

When I was 5:
I lived in Murray, Utah. I went to Parkside Elementary School and I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up...

Last Christmas:
Was great!

I should be:
Resting. Im not feeling so good.

The happiest recent event was:
Shane got a job. A great job actually. He works with me at Steel Encounters. He is in charge of the Quality Assurance Department.

My current annoyance is:
My weight

I have a hard time understanding:

There's this girl that I know:
And she is one of the best neices I have

The thing I want to buy is:
A house with lots of land

If you visited the place I'm from:
You would die from the heat esp. in the summer. Arizona is not fun in the summer.

Most recent thing I've bought myself:

Most recent thing someone else bought me was:
Juice - thanks Shane

My middle name is:

Last night I was:

If I was an animal I'd be:
A puppy

Tomorrow I am:
Working and hopefully finish getting the pictures edited from the wedding last weekend so I can put together their album.

Tonight I am:
Resting so I can feel better for work tomorrow.

Now its your turn to tell me your story!

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