Time has flown by so fast. You are getting so big. Im not sure what your "official" weight is yet. We go back to the doctors when you are 2 months but you sure are getting bigger.
What are you up to?
* You are wearing size 1 diapers
* You sleep for most the day and we are still working on getting you to sleep more at night

* You've smiled a couple times
* You love to take baths! Especially since your cord fell off and you can sit in your tub with warm water! You love it.
* You love your big brother. He is always trying to help do things for you. He loves when you hold onto his finger. He is also trying to get you to play with GI Joes - but your just not into them!

* Daddy calls you his little monkey!
* You hate having a dirty diaper! Even if its just a little wet - you scream like crazy. As soon as we change you - you are happy :) We go through a TON of diapers!
* Daddy bought you a play mat that has really cool lights and plays music. You like to lay there and stare at yourself in the mirror.

* You can hold your head up! You've actually done this for a while. We lay you on our chest and you pop your head up and look around. Its so cute!
*You had jaundice really bad and we were going everyday for a week to get your blood tested for it. But you got over it finally and are doing much better!
We love you so much Kalynn!! We cant believe how big you have gotten in just the month that youve been here! Its so crazy to think that you turned a month on November 3rd and you werent even due until November 4th!!
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