Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Grandma - summed up in words

I love
It is such a fun - FREE website.
I thought it would be neat to copy all the comments from people that posted on my grandmas page and create a wordle for her. Here is what it came up with:

Wordle: Grandma

I think that the words that were most commonly used are key words that describe my grandma perfectly. Especially FAMILY. She did care about her family more than anything.

Looking at this wordle makes me happy.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Good Times

This weekend was a lot of fun. Justin and Amanda were in town and we were able to spend some time with them. Amanda is a dealer for Miche (the coolest purse EVER) and the conferences are held in Salt Lake City. So, this is the second year that they were able to come visit. Of course this year was far better than last year when we spent the night in the ER because Shane decided to get Kidney Stones!!

Shane and Justin met when they were in the marines together. They are two peas in a pod.

We had lots of fun with them this weekend. We went to this cool restaurant called the Mayan in Sandy, Utah. While you eat they put on this show with cliff divers and indians. It was really neat to watch. The guys do back flips in the pool. It was really cool.

We stayed downtown at the Marriott. We were on the 12th floor and the view wouldve been great if the smog wasnt so bad. Brody slept in his own bed and looked so peaceful when we woke up in the morning...

Our view from the 12th floor

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Grandma Christensen

On December 27, 2009 Grandma Christensen passed away. Its been so sad and so hard! Christmas day Kayla and I went to visit her and she was awake and really talkative. It was the best Christmas gift ever to be able to finally talk to Grandma. She has been so sick and wasnt really together since she has been in the hospital. Things were looking so good so when we heard she had passed, it was a shock.

Her service was so nice. I think she wouldve been happy with it.

But, I miss her so much and its just not the same going to Grandpas without her there. I keep thinking shell walk down the hall or come in the house but she doesnt.

We love her and will miss her a lot!!

Christmas Day

Brody had so much fun this year and was spoiled!! His favorite gift was his GI JOE Headquarters that he has been wanting ever since he saw it. He also got a Wii and weve had lots of fun playing that. This year we had a really small tree. My big tree wouldnt fit, but it was cute.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve this year really didnt feel like Christmas Eve. Grandma Christensen was in the hospital and we didnt have the Christensens Christmas Party. Brody, Shane and I went to Grandpas before he went to the hospital to give him some pie and chocolate cake. Then we drove around looking at Christmas lights. When we came home, Santa had brought Brody a gift! His Christmas Eve PJ's. He was so excited and couldnt figure out how Santa got in the house when we were gone.

Then, we sprinkled Reindeer Food on the lawn. This year we made a bunch of Reindeer Food and put them in cute bags. Brody gave them to his class at their Christmas party. They all liked it.

12/22/09 Brodys Daycare Christmas Program

Brody had a Christmas Program at school. We found a rudolph nose that he wanted to wear and it was SOOOO cute. He did so good singing.

12/19/09 Santa Clause

When we were up at Codys house helping him move, Santa came through town in a fire truck. We werent sure where he was going so we loaded the kids up in the car and chased him. Brody thought it was neat chasing Santa!! Emma, Brea and Brody were all excited to finally sit on his lap! Brody said he wanted GI Joe Headquarters, Brea wanted a Baby Cub and Emma wanted a Butterfly.

Hickman Ranch

On 12/19/09 we went up to Grandma and Grandpa Hickman's. Cody moved down to Grantsville that day and we were helping him load his Uhaul so when we were done we went to say hi.

Brody helped feed the baby cows and sheep and had lots of fun. All the great-grandkids were there so we got pictures. It was a lot of fun.