Saturday, August 15, 2009

Brodys Bed Tent

Last weekend I painted Brodys room and we hung camo stars up all over the walls and a huge jeep poster that he loves because the jeeps green! Well, I was at Target the other day and found this cute bed tent that I thought would be so neat in his room. Shane put it together last night and Brody LOVED it. He had to have a flashlight last night to go to bed because he said he was camping. Anyways, this morning I went in his room to check on him and he was watching cartoons and looked like this:


Cardinal said...

Came across in blog in prayer for Dan's family during their time of such loss. Praying hard. But your little guy is just too cute! :)

Carbonneau said...

So cute! we just took our kids camping this weekend, boys sure do love to have flashlights! So they don't waste the batteries we started giving them glow sticks. They love it! (not as cool as a flashlight, but a nice runner up)